Indonesian's Saman Dancer of Brisbane will be one of top performers (such as Sandy Evans) performs in event called
Fundamental Sound. This event will be held in
Griffith University Conservatorium, South Bank, Sunday 2 December 2007 8 PM.
Don't miss out!
Can you see me in the picture??? Hehehehe.... So NOT-lucky me... :s
This article is in mX, Brisbane's free local news, on Thursday, 29 November 2007 edition.
who's Sandy?
yang menarik, yang lain ga ada yang ketutupannya sebanyak Mika.. hehehe..
bangga aku sama samaners brisbane
kasi salam buat yang lain yaa
dari aku .. hehehehe
Kangen pengen nyaman lagi mikaa...
dah lamaaa bangettt
ah itu ngaku2 aja mbak mika, huehehe :P nggak ada bukti tuh :P
bcanda :)
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