Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Jisun - What Should I Do?" English lyrics

This is one song of Boys Before Flowers OST by Jisun called "What Should I do?". I just find it so touching...
credit: glimpse - mymessydrawer

You ask me how my day was as if it is same everyday
I say that I'm OK but you really don't know how I feel
Do you think I will be OK without you?
Will you be OK without me?
It is really hard to live in this world without you
That is why I blame myself for still breathing

What should I do?
Even now, I live these painful days because of what you said
Tell me if this is a bad thing to do
Do you live every single day painfully like me?
You and me

Are we too late?
Do no we have a chance?
I still think about you and you might know this
Is it finally this?
Are we going to end up like this?
Is it OK with you?
I don't think I can do it
The love that I found by meeting you
I won't find it anywhere else even if I die

What should I do?
If it isn't you, no one else can be in my heart
Please hold me
And you know that even though the whole world would try
No one can erase your memories
So please hold me

What should I do?
Even now, I live these painful days because of what you said
Tell me if this is a bad thing to do
Do you live every single day painfully like me?
You and me

Is it too late?
Do not we have a chance?
But me, I still think about you
And you might not know it

Monday, April 13, 2009

私の旅行 [Watashi no Ryokou] / My Trip

As this is one way of me learning Japanese, I'm inviting any Japanese or person with Japanese skill out there to let me know if I do wrong in this writing. It will be very much appreciated! Thank you.

[Following writing contains Japanese font]

この旅行は私と父と母のです。ペマランとヨギャカルタは私たちの旅行先です。木曜日に行きました, 日曜日に還りました。とても疲れるですが面白いです。

few interesting photos from my trip:

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

di-nya yang bener donk!

Udah sering banget lihat kesalahan pemakaian 'di', jadi gatel nulis. Bukan maksudnya sotoy, cuma pengen sharing aja, and make it right. Apalagi kalau nulis buat somethin yg resmi, kudu bener tu. But, anybody reading this writing, if you find me wrong, correct me!
Dari pelajaran SD yg diinget, 'di' dipake untuk : (1) menunjukkan tempat, (2) sebagai imbuhan.

Contoh yg (1) :
di Jakarta,
di sana,
di ruang tamu,
di kantor
Jadi ada spasi-nya kalau di diikutin keterangan tempat, ga digabung.

Contoh yg (2) :

Contoh yang salah bisa dilihat di foto di bawah ini. Bukan "disepanjang pantai". Seharusnya "di sepanjang pantai".

Beda kan pemakaiannya?? Jadi jangan ada yang nulis "di sana" jadi "disana" ya! It just annoys me somehow.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Karate-ka Indonesia Umar Syarief Menerima Penghargaan Dari Pemerintah St.Gallen City, Swis

Seluruh karate-ka Indonesia patut berbangga. Karate-ka kita yang sekarang berdomisili di Swiss, Senpai Umar Syarief, mendapat penghargaan dari Pemerintah St. Gallen City, Swiss atas kontribusinya mengembangkan karate di Swiss [source: Republika].

Mantap, Senpai Umar!

Photo source: Aditya Dumadi - Senpai Umar Syarief (tengah) sedang berlatih di PLN bersama karate-ka INKANAS DKI Jaya, Adit -kiri- dan Hamam -kanan.

Neoguri in Jakarta

Dari minggu kemaren udah ngidam masak kari Jepang, cuma blum kesampean. Akhirnya hari Minggu kemaren setelah kelar latihan karate di daerah Blok M, Mika mampir ke salah satu toko Jepang di Melawai namanya Papaya. Deket sama tempat latihan lah... Asek! Dulu waktu di Brisbane masak kari Jepangnya pake bumbunya Golden Curry. Ini udah mantap banget dah! Udah kayak kari masakannya orang Jepang asli.

Sampe di tokonya ternyata Golden Curry ga ada. Cuma mata nyangkut sama udon Korea yg dulu sering dimakan di Brisbane namanya Neoguri. Rasanya pedes, cuma ga pedes2 amat. Pas lah. Ada seafood-nya pula (dried seafood). Harganya Rp 18,000-an > udon/mie kemasan termahal yang pernah Mika beli di Indonesia. Biasanya mie kemasan kan cuma Rp 1,000-an.

Udah beli, ngelapor deh sama "temen seperjuangan", Riza, kalo baru beli Neoguri harga Rp 18,000. Eeeh,,, si Riza bilang kalo di Carrefour ternyata lebih murah. Bisa Rp 9,000-an. Jadi, next time: "Ke Carrefour aja ah...!" (sesuai dengan jargonnya, hihi)

Sunday, April 05, 2009

[Situ Gintung Appeal] Make your donation

As you may know, tanggul Situ Gintung di daerah Cirendeu jebol minggu lalu. Udah pada nyumbang beluu......m? Buat yg tinggal di Jakarta dan daerah sekitarnya, ga asik ni kalo pada blum nyumbang atau do somethin buat Situ Gintung. So, ensure yourself that you do somethin for this appeal =)

Buat kalian yang masih bingung mau nyumbang ke mana atau gimana caranya buat 'do somethin', Mika mau cerita salah satu lembaga yg mengumpulkan bantuan untuk korban Situ Gintung. Namanya Dompet Dhuafa (Mika highlight Dompet Dhuafa karena cara mereka sedikit beda dalam membantu korban). Ini lembaga bikin Huntara (Hunian Sementara) buat korban yang kehilangan tempat tinggal. Sebanyak 20 Huntara dibangun dengan biaya Rp 75 juta dan sudah ditempati oleh korban sejak 3 hari yang lalu.

Lumayan banget lah Huntara ini menurut Mika buat ngasi shelter/perlindungan sementara buat mereka yang kehilangan tempat tinggal. Kalian bisa bantu Huntara ini dengan transfer ke rekening BCA Cab. Pd. Indah dengan no. rekening 237.300.6343 . Mau bantu 1000 perak atau 2000 perak ga masalah, nominal ga penting, yang penting determination nya buat bantu =)

TV-One juga punya rekening namanya Satu Untuk Negeri yang ngumpulin bantuan buat korban Situ Gintung, cuma Mika lupa berapa ya no rekeningnya... hehe. Kalian tongkrongin aja newsticker (tulisan yang jalan2 di bawah layar TV) nya TV-One yak!

Btw, di bawah ini salah satu ungkapan prihatin dari temen Australia Mika ttg bencana Situ Gintung:
"I was so sorry to hear of the devestating floods on the outskirts of Djkarta last weekend.  I am hoping that you, your family and friends have not suffered any loss.  It is so very sad for those who have lost family members and their homes.  We have seen film here of the lake as it burst its bank and rushed downhill through the town as people slept.  It has probably affected many young people as I believe it was a University town." - R.Evans

Nah, orang Aussie yang nun jauh di sana aja worried sama Situ Gintung. Orang yang lebih deket semestinya bisa bantu lebih banyak ya... ;)

Saturday, April 04, 2009

NHK's way explaining Stress & Stomachache

Few days ago, I switched my TV channel to NHK, a Japanese broadcaster. Suddenly I saw a clip of a man suffering from stomach-ache on his way to his office by train. This clip is actually an instrument assisting a show explaining the relationship between stress and stomach-ache: Stress can cause stomach-ache, even to a severe one.

What I adore from this show is the way in explaining such hard topic. It was delivered in a light-weight manner. To portray what's going on in human's body while stomach-ache occurs due to stress, the show employed 2 man and a 河合 little girl (the セルロテン) wearing interesting comical costumes. Each represented entity inside our body that involved while stomach-ache occurs. And they made such funny moves!

Also, the show was kinda quiz show. There were 3 participants (I think all of them are well-known people in Japan) attempted answering questions relates to the topic. Kinda "feel the blank" questios, but the questions revealed facts that most people do not know in regards to this topic. 

Sorry I can't show you any captures of my story... But the shows, really, seems a very fun way to grab more knowledge. I enjoyed the show very much =)

A normal show addressing this topic, I imagine, would be in format of a talkshow or discussion between presenter and experts. BORING. At least that's what I see in so far 3 countries. Japanese TV shows are always creative and many Japanese TV shows are copied in many countries. Anyway.

Small note:
For those who have some free time, below is a link of YouTube video (this video is my housemates' fave). It's a Japanese TV show of a very smart chimpanze called Pan-kun. The video shows how the chimpanze travels by train (purchasing ticket, passing through the gate, and many more!)(Click here for the LINK)
Just search with keyword "pankun chimpanze" if you wanna see more videos of this very smart chimpanze.
picture source: