Saturday, January 20, 2007

interesting story this Saturday

Hari Sabtu ini gw nganterin temen gw untuk inspeksi flat. Di sini hal yang common untuk orang yg tertarik sama sebuah properti (dalam konteks pengen dijadiin tempat tinggal) buat ng-inspeksi dulu flat-nya, ya ngecek2 lah.. dapurnya gmn, WC-nya gmn, berisik ga, nyaman ga, dll...

nah, ceritanya kita berdua uda di dalem rumahnya ni... selain kita, ada juga orang lain yg lagi ng-inspeksi rumah ini.

mata gw langsung tertuju sama cewek kulit item yang ada di ujung dapur yang lagi ngisi formulir. trus-trus, ni cewek unik banget: nge-gembol backpack, bawa peta kota Sydney, pake sendal jepit, pakaiannya nyantai banget bleh!, ditambah rambutnya yang kayak Edi Kribo bikin presence dia makin jelas.
"kayaknya gw kenal ni cewek...."

saat itu juga, gw yakin kalo dia itu presenter acara yang gw suka. maklum... acara itu selalu gw tonton malem hari setiap ngerjain tugas :p (gimana bisa lupa!!??). gw yakin banget kalo itu dia! cuma.. yaaa...... malu gw klo misalnya ntar gw tegor duluan trus tau-nya salah,,, kalo orang Indo si ga pa pa, ini orang bule, yaaaaaaahhh.... ga jadi gw tegor deh jadinya.... *cuma sebenernya gw yakin banget* dan akhirnya, dia caw lebih dulu daripada kita karena temen gw masi ng-inspeksi. yowis lah... blum jodo kali ya *apa si!!??*

on the way menuju pulang setelah kelar inspeksi, gw bilang sama temen gw: "isn't she a TV presenter girl??" she replied: "i'm not sure, but i think sooo..... (that she's not that TV presenter)" Bener juga kali ya temen gw ini, masak presenter TV masi bawa2 peta kota Sydney, berarti dia TURIS donk!! trus, gaya-nya gembel banget (maap.. maap.. semoga dia ga nemuin blog gw)

di on the way balik itu, tnyata dia juga jalan di depan kita, ga jauh lah... sekitar 20 meter-an & suddenly, 2 guys that passed her shouted at her!! "Hey!! What's up? I like your TV show... bla bla bla bla bla". Nah, bener kan! Temen gw langsung bilang: "You're right, Mika!"

Hahahahahaa....... apa gw bilang, gw ni jagoan dalam ngenalin orang *hahahaa.... mulai nyombong gw* *Stop it, Mik!*
Ok, I just glad that it was HER and we're end up taking pics, oops, sorry, a pic together. She's lovely & really unique! Love her!

Friday, January 19, 2007

DONT you EVER lick the envelope seal!!!

jangan sekali2 loe ngejilat amplop buat nutup amplopnya ya~

it's all based on this story:
one day, seorang cewek yang ngejilat amplop buat ngerekatin lem-nya.
next few days, dia ngrasa ada yang salah sama mulutnya & dia selalu ngerasa ga enak kalo makan. akhirnya dia cek ke dokter buat ngelakuin check-up, tapi nothing's wrong with her!
tapi si cewek ini tetep ngotot kalo there is must be something wrong with her.

beberapa waktu kemudian, dia ngerasa apa yang dia rasain itu makin parah. dia balik lagi ke dokter. akhirnya, dokter mutusin untuk operasi untuk ngecek what's wrong sama mulutnya. nah, waktu operasi itu, kecoa-kecoa kecil pada keluar dari lidahnya!!! ternyata, selama ini telur2 kecoa itu ngumpet di antara 'benjolan-benjolan lidah' *gw lupa namanya apa & gw lg males nyari di google* . tempat itu tempat yang sangat kondusif untuk telur kecoa buat ditetaskan karena sangat moist.

dan menurut seseorang yg pernah kerja di pabrik amplop *based on ceritanya di salah satu tabloid*, banyak kecoa yang berkeliaran di pabrik amplop & mereka (the cockroaches) naro telurnya di lem penutup amplop itu.

I HIGHLY COMMENDED you NOT to LICK the envelope seal!!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Jokes dari Buletin Indonesia di Sydney

from: Buletin Indonesia; Volume 8 Edition 2

Story 1
Son : Dad, what is the difference between CONFIDENCE and CONFIDENTIAL?
Dad : You are my son, I'm CONFIDENT.
Your friend is also my son, that's CONFIDENTIAL.

Story 2
Small Boy wrote to Santa Claus, "Send me a brother"
Santa wrote back, "Send me your mother"

Yaa... lumayanlah, bisa bikin gw senyum di hari yang udah cheerfull

Sunday, January 14, 2007

20 Precepts of Karate-Do

I just knew that there exist 20 precepts of Karate-do from my new mate in Sydney, Michael, who also 'addicted' to karate. For whoever who doesn't know what 'precepts' means, there you go:

precepts -> general rule which used to decide how to behave in a particular condition

These 20 precepts are so inspiring! I don't know why, I always find brilliant points from Karate. Sometime I feel Karate as my second religion.

20 Precepts of Karate-Do by Master Gichin Funakoshi:

1. Never forget: Karate begins with rei and ends with rei (rei = courtesy, respect)

2. There is no first attack in Karate

3. Karate supports righteousness

4. Understand yourself, then understand others

5. The art of developing the mind is more important than the art of applying technique

6. The mind needs to be freed

7. Trouble is born of negligence

8. Do not think Karate belongs only in the doojoo (doojoo = place for practising karate)

9. The training of Karate requires a lifetime

10. Transform everything into Karate; therein lies its exquisiteness

11. Genuine Karate is like hot water, it cools down if you do not keep on heating it

12. Do not have an idea of winning, but the idea of not losing is necessary

13. Transform yourself according to the opponent

14. The outcome of the fight depends on the manoeuver

15. Imagine one's arms and legs as swords

16. Once you leave the shelter of home, there are a million enemies

17. Postures are for the beginner later they are natural positions

18. Do the kata correctly, the real fight is a different matter

19. Do no forget the control of the dynamics [of power], the elasticity [of the body]
and the speed [of the technique]

20. Always be good at the application of everything that you have learned

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Pemuda Indonesia bisa apa......???

pertanyaan di atas sengaja ditulis buat 'manas2in' orang yg baca.
buat kamu2 yang ngrasa 'panas', gw tantang buat posting comment di artikel ini sebagai jawaban pertanyaan di atas,
buat kamu2 yang ga ngrasa panas, hmmm........ *thing-king*

dari acara Global Leaders kmarin di NY,
gw dapet banyak temen, salah satu-nya dari China.

yang bikin gw salut sama dia tu ini:
di event Global Leaders kmarin cuma ada 4 anak IPA, salah satu-nya termasuk dia. yang lainnya anak2 IPS yang menurut gw sangat wajar sekali, aktif di kegiatan kampus & extracurricular.
gw ga bermaksud misah2in anak IPA & IPS, cuma kecenderungan anak IPA & IPS yang ada di kepala gw adalah anak IPS, biasanya, sangat aktif di semua kegiatan, beda sama anak IPA yang cenderung pasif.
Nah, temen-ku yang satu ini bisa dijadiin contoh, anak IPA yang sangat aktif di kegiatan. khususnya yang bikin gw salut, dia bener-bener mengaplikasikan ilmu yang didapet di kampus ke masyarakat.

Nah, intinya...
gw pengen meng-encourage *nyemangatin* kamu2 semua, sekalian gw juga, *khususnya semua pemuda Indonesia anak IPA yang notabene seperti yang gw gambarin di atas*,
kalo pemuda2 Indonesia tu ga kalah.
Keluarin ide cemerlang kamu, aplikasiin ilmu yang uda didapet ke masyarakat.
sayang uda kuliah bayar, cuma ga ada manfaat yang bisa dikasi ke orang lain.

Gw yakin kita semua bisa!!!


Profil temen-ku:

Yangbin Zhou – Fudan University, China
Yangbin Zhou is studying in the School of Life Sciences, pursuing a degree in Biology, with a
concentration in bio-related industrialization. He placed 1st at the 12th Annual China Biology
Olympiad in Jiangsu Province, and later went on to receive the Silver Medal in the competition’s
National Finals. Yangbin has devoted much of his college experience to the development of
Fudan University’s Life Society, an on-campus organization dedicated to sharing ideas and
exploring the link between biology and industry. He has recently been named President of the
organization. He has also been named Assistant President of the Student Council of the School
of Life Sciences and has organized numerous activities for the Council, including Environmental
Week for the Protection of Birds and Insects, The Art Show of Beauty of Life, Life Cinema, and
Experiment DIY. He is credited as establishing the first internet forum for the Life Society, with
the cooperation of Bioon Bio-tech Co. Ltd, and holds the title of Chief Editor of Life Science, Life
Society’s journal of record. Dedicated to research and exploration, Yangbin, with members from
Life Society and the Mountaineering and Expedition Association, conducted research in Chinese
Herbal Resources in the Area of the Three Parallel Rivers in Yunnan Province. Outside of
academia, Yangbin dedicates his time to volunteering and has worked with Challenge Cup,
Marrow Reservation of China, and organized the QiuYe Volunteer Program, which aims to bring
help to major museums.