Now, see this!
"Berkat Nyamuk, Anak Indonesia Juara 3 di Internasional"
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"ATM bisa bicara, untuk tuna netra"
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Sunday, July 23, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
saatnya untuk cerita...

As I promise, I'll tell my journey to & at New York. I will say sorry coz I'll write in Bahasa (Indonesia language)
Let's start!
Kepergian gw ke NY karena gw mewakili Indonesia di The Goldman Sachs Global Leadership Institute (GLI) dari tanggal 8 - 14 Juli 2006.
Di GLI, gw & bersama 49 pemuda dari 20 negara di dunia menghadiri konferensi leadership yang bertujuan mantepin skill leadership. Tapi sebenernya lebih dari itu, ada networking, kerjasama, & friendship yang terjalin di antara kita semua.
Ke NY membutuhkan waktu tempuh sekitar kurang lebih 24 jam. Ini dia path flight-nya:
Jakarta-Singapore-Frankfurt,Jerman-New York,USA.
Dan gw naik pesawat Singapore Airline, yang konon katanya airline terbaik di dunia (Thanks Goldman Sach!!!)
servis & fasilitas di pesawat gw akuin emang OK, walopun gw cuma kelas ekonomi, yang notabene kelas paling ecek-ecek.
Servis & Fasilitas:
1. TIAP ORANG dapet personal TV
--> bisa nonton film2 bioskop (box office pastinya) tbaru, tmasuk dari negara2 Asia, Timur Tengah, Eropa.
--> bisa dengerin musik-musik teryahud & bermacam2 genre ada!!!
--> bisa maen game (wuuuuuuuhuuuuuuuuuu!!!). gw maen game Mario Bros (ngobatin rasa kangen gw sama Nintendo Mario Bros gw yg dulu)
--> pokoknya makan mulu deh, abis makan berat, kita dapet Snack, entah itu es krim ato apalah.... trus dapet makan berat lagi, ya gtu
3. pramugari & pramugara-nya cantik & ganteng, hehehehhehe....... + CARE banget sm gw, huehuehuehue.....
--> karena gw pake jilbab, mereka tau klo gw muslim, dan mereka ngasi tau mana makanan yang halal, mana yang engga.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
the last day....
Mohon maaf belum cerita banyak ttg di NY soale disini komputer cuma ada 2 unit, tapi yang mau make segudang.
gw takut bikin orang ngantri, jadi ntar gw bakal cerita kalo uda di Indonesia.
just a little bit,
disini gw tinggal di asrama buat anak taun pertama-nya NYU (New York University), di jalan Washington Square West.
di depan kita, pas banget ada taman, lumayan gede.
oh ya, koneksi internet disini juga cepet banget.
gw coba buka, cepet banget!
I'll tell my story and what I've got from this conference later.
It's been an amazing week in my life.
Bisa ketemu sama anak2 amazing dari seluruh dunia...
Bener-bener encouraging....
gw takut bikin orang ngantri, jadi ntar gw bakal cerita kalo uda di Indonesia.
just a little bit,
disini gw tinggal di asrama buat anak taun pertama-nya NYU (New York University), di jalan Washington Square West.
di depan kita, pas banget ada taman, lumayan gede.
oh ya, koneksi internet disini juga cepet banget.
gw coba buka, cepet banget!
I'll tell my story and what I've got from this conference later.
It's been an amazing week in my life.
Bisa ketemu sama anak2 amazing dari seluruh dunia...
Bener-bener encouraging....
Saturday, July 08, 2006
in New York (yaaaay.....)
Ini cerita terbaru gw dari NY, USA. Just want to publish for all bcoz some of people asking me bout that.
Gw sampe di NY jam 11 setelah sebelumnya transit di Singapore & Jerman.
That's 24 hours flight!!! Capek banget, cuma karena bisa jalan2 di bandara di Singapore & Jerman, capeknya lumayan kurang lah...
Gw pergi ber-2 sama temen gw yang anak FE. Waktu di Custom Office di bandara, dia rada dipersulit karena dia COWOK yang berkebangsaan INDONESIA. Amrik rada2 sensi sama orang dari INDONESIA, yah, tau sendiri lah... fame to be terroritst country.
Setelah berhasil keluar dari Custom Office, udah ada orang dari IIE (the host) yang ngejemput. Ada juga Philipp, peserta lain yang orang Jerman dan kebetulan sekelompok sama gw. He's nice person! I told sorry bout his country lost, Germany, and we have a lot of chatt after that.
After that, we're going to our dormitory, Hayden Hall,New York University, dan di sana gw ketemu lebih banyak lagi temen2 dari berbagai negara: Afsel, Swedia, Amerika, Hong Kong. Speechless to explain what great it is!
Room mate gw orang Swedia, China, & Afrika Selatan. Oh ya, gw sempet jet lag juga. Ngerasa pusing, dunia muter, ngerasa ky digoyang2, ga bisa konsentrasi, tapi setelah tidur 30 menit, it's much more better!!!
Sekarang gw lagi di ruang komputer yang cuma ada 2 komputer. komputer-nya Apple, gorgeus! abis makan bareng sama 49 peserta lain dari berbagai dunia. Ada beberapa kesan yang gw tangkep dari bbrapa peserta, ada yang rada sombong krn dia dari Amrik, ada yg ngeliat gw ky orang aneh karena gw pake jilbab, and most of people who chatt with me asking about my 'hat' that covering my head, which is Jilbab.
Tadi gw sempet minder juga coz they talk in English and very fast. rada susah nangkep juga, tapi sekarang udah mulai biasa.
Doain ya & mohon support-nya!
Current time: 10.20 PM (night)
That's all from now. Maaf kalo alur cerita-nya ga bagus....
Gw sampe di NY jam 11 setelah sebelumnya transit di Singapore & Jerman.
That's 24 hours flight!!! Capek banget, cuma karena bisa jalan2 di bandara di Singapore & Jerman, capeknya lumayan kurang lah...
Gw pergi ber-2 sama temen gw yang anak FE. Waktu di Custom Office di bandara, dia rada dipersulit karena dia COWOK yang berkebangsaan INDONESIA. Amrik rada2 sensi sama orang dari INDONESIA, yah, tau sendiri lah... fame to be terroritst country.
Setelah berhasil keluar dari Custom Office, udah ada orang dari IIE (the host) yang ngejemput. Ada juga Philipp, peserta lain yang orang Jerman dan kebetulan sekelompok sama gw. He's nice person! I told sorry bout his country lost, Germany, and we have a lot of chatt after that.
After that, we're going to our dormitory, Hayden Hall,New York University, dan di sana gw ketemu lebih banyak lagi temen2 dari berbagai negara: Afsel, Swedia, Amerika, Hong Kong. Speechless to explain what great it is!
Room mate gw orang Swedia, China, & Afrika Selatan. Oh ya, gw sempet jet lag juga. Ngerasa pusing, dunia muter, ngerasa ky digoyang2, ga bisa konsentrasi, tapi setelah tidur 30 menit, it's much more better!!!
Sekarang gw lagi di ruang komputer yang cuma ada 2 komputer. komputer-nya Apple, gorgeus! abis makan bareng sama 49 peserta lain dari berbagai dunia. Ada beberapa kesan yang gw tangkep dari bbrapa peserta, ada yang rada sombong krn dia dari Amrik, ada yg ngeliat gw ky orang aneh karena gw pake jilbab, and most of people who chatt with me asking about my 'hat' that covering my head, which is Jilbab.
Tadi gw sempet minder juga coz they talk in English and very fast. rada susah nangkep juga, tapi sekarang udah mulai biasa.
Doain ya & mohon support-nya!
Current time: 10.20 PM (night)
That's all from now. Maaf kalo alur cerita-nya ga bagus....
Monday, July 03, 2006
Water is Alive!

Yesterday I read a book titled "The True Power of Water". This book is awesome!
Honestly, I don't like to read a book (I prefer magazine/newspaper to book, really, more invigorating). In fact, I ever left that book in my room without being read for couple of weeks. But yesterday, I tried to read it and I can say this book is great. Thank you Dr. Masaru Emoto for your research!!!
Water can re-act to any action toward it and can differ which one is good action and which one is bad by showing its crystal. The 'action' I mean is 'saying good words' or 'saying bad word'. If you say good word, in this case: 'Thank you' & 'Very Great', , the water can show its crystal, but if you say bad word, in this case: 'Useless!' & 'You're Stupid', the water can't show its crystal. See pictures below...

Picture Sequence:
"Thank You" ----- "You're Stupid" ---- "Very Great" ---- "Useless!"
Then, I think and ask: May I conclude that water is alive? It can re-act like a human, differ somethin' good or bad. What's more, it is in our body with percentage 70%. Is this the reason why I feel sad when somebody tell somethin bad to me and I feel happy when somebody tell somethin good to me?
Many things you can explore at that book. If I finish read the book, you can borrow me OR you can have it at bookstore near you. It's a New York Times Best Seller!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Portugal vs England

As I expected, Portugal won the match!
3-1 (Penalty Kick Out).
Man of The Match (my own version), of course, Ricardo, the Portugal's Goal Keeper.
He blocked 3 kicks and the remain 1, honestly, he could guess the direction but fortunately, less faster than the kicker.

Now, 15 minutes to Brazil vs France. Who's gonna win? Let's check it out!
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