Sunday, March 11, 2007

Brisbane is soooooooooo HOT!

Yesterday temperature: 35 C.
Today temperature: 38 C.

Pretty HOT, huh?
I can't stand being outside anymore, especially in the middle of day.

I got messages for you,
keep protecting yourself from sun exposure that will lead to SKIN CANCER.
Wear glassess, hat, sun screen 30+, and seek shade if you can.
Note this: SKIN CANCER has nothing to do with SKIN COLOUR. So, whatever your colour, you guys all have the same risk.

This link has a pretty nice article. It comes from Cancer Council. Please do check!

ps: Whatever it is so HOT, keep COOL, okay!


Anonymous said...

sun screen 30+ apaan sih?

tapi lebih baik daripada panas dan dingin dateng ganti2an ga jelas kan kayak pas itu? krn bikin sakit -_-".

Mika Halpin said...

maksudnya Sun Screen dengan SPF 30+. maap,, lupa nambahin kata "SPF". hehehe.....

ga ada yang lebih baik si Ya, dua duanya ga enak. mau ganti2an ga jelas ATAU panas banget, sama ga enaknya...