for everyone who want to give me present for my next birthday, this is IT!
ps: This handbag is the creation of Joao Sabino, an artist from Portugal. He has made a lot of artistique & uniques stuff. If you're interested to see them, visit his blog.
wah lucu tuh mik..gw nitip satu yah kalo ada yang mau ngasih loe.. :p liat dimana tuh?
Aslm Mika...
Apa kabar? :)
Katanya besok (ahad) ada pengajian di UQ ya?
Mika mo dateng ga? :)
waaaa.. itu beneran apa khayalan mik??? :P
hehehehehe...... yup yup, ntar gw titipin 1 ke orang yang ngasi gw *amin*
liat di sini vitut: http://www.techiediva.com/weblog/2005/10/keyboard_handba.html
ini tas BENERAN lho! ga boongan!
selain warna putih, ada yang warna item juga. ini link-nya: http://www.coolest-gadgets.com/20060206/keyboard-handbag/
inget adek.. inget adek..
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