Don't miss out!
Can you see me in the picture??? Hehehehe.... So NOT-lucky me... :s
This article is in mX, Brisbane's free local news, on Thursday, 29 November 2007 edition.
the easiest way I figured out is by changing the type of ResultSet like this:
Statement st = conn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
the 2 parameters of createStatement() method are resultSetType & resultSetConcurrency.That's all from now. Please indicate whether this information useful or not OR maybe you have better solution than this one. I am a leaner as well ^_^
type of ResultSet are:
type of Concurrency are:
Bagi Masruri, keadaan ekonomi ayahnya, Mudhakir Rahmat tidak menghalagi niat untuk maju. Mudhakir ingin nasib anaknya lebih maju. Karena itulah Mudhakir mengajari Masruri mengatur bidak sejak duduk di kelas satu sekolah dasar. Siswa kelas lima Sekolah Dasar Negeri Cempaka Baru, Jakarta ini, menghabiskan waktu tiga jam sehari untuk mengasah kecakapan bermain catur. Tak jarang ia bertarung dengan pecatur-pecatur senior di Jakarta.(KEN/Satya Pandia)"
pesen dari-ku: Hebat kamu, Mas! semangat terus ya..... Jangan takut naek pesawat terbang ya... hehehhe ^_^ doaku menyertai-mu lah!
Kwon was made known to Asian countries through his popular movie, My Tutor Friend (2003), but it was his character as Cha Song Joo in Stairway to Heaven alongside Choi Ji Woo that boosted his popularity, especially in Asian countries, as Stairway to Heaven was amongst the most popular Korean dramas in the Asian region. Another popular role was in Once Upon a Time In High School, set in the 1970s, highlighting the authoritarian nature of Korean society at the time.
In 2004, Kwon starred in a film, Love So Divine, as a Catholic priest. In an interview, Kwon confided that his mother was a Roman Catholic, and was encouraged by his friends to receive baptism. Kwon also revealed that his mother was helping him to study the Christian faith.
With his handsome looks and impressive physique, Kwon is considered an example of the mom-zzang or "great body" movement. Kwon, is internationally viewed as a sex symbol, was named "Most Beautiful Man" for June 2006 on the web site Kwon was also nominated as the top 50 asian hunks of 2005.
Kwon is the primary spokesperson for The Face Shop in Korea, appearing in a variety of advertising.
Facts:Banjir itu ga hanya salah pemerintah aja. Yang paling penting, jangan nyalahin orang lain DULU dong kalo banjir kejadian. Ngaca dulu ke diri sendiri. Apa kita sendiri uda berperan dalam usaha preventif mencegah banjir yang terjadi tiap tahun?? Let's FIRST think about that! Don't blame others first...
Untuk sekarang ini, daripada nyumpah-nyumpah & nyalah2in orang, kita bantu korban-korban banjir aja. Bantu sebisa & semampunya...